General Hospital Psychiatry
Volume 33, Issue 1 , Pages 58-65 , January 2011

Partner violence screening in mental health

  • Judy C. Chang, M.D., M.P.H.


    • Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences and General Internal Medicine, Magee-Womens Research Institute, and Center for Research in Health Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA
    • Corresponding Author InformationCorresponding author. Tel.: +1 412 641 1441; fax: +1 412 641 1133.
  • ,
  • Patricia A. Cluss, Ph.D.


    • Department of Psychiatry, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA
  • ,
  • Jessica G. Burke, Ph.D.


    • Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA
  • ,
  • Lynn Hawker, Ph.D.


    • Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh (retired), Pittsburgh PA 15224, USA
  • ,
  • Diane Dado, M.S.W.


    • Magee-Womens Research Institute, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA
  • ,
  • Sheri Goldstrohm, Ph.D.


    • Department of Psychiatry, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA
  • ,
  • Sarah H. Scholle, Dr.P.H.


    • National Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington DC, USA

Received 9 July 2010 ,Accepted 13 November 2010.


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 Author contributions: Study Design: Sarah H. Scholle, Patricia A. Cluss, Sheri Goldstrohm, Lynn Hawker, Data collection: Sarah H. Scholle, Patricia A. Cluss, Sheri Goldstrohm, Data Coding: Diane Dado, Judy C. Chang, Sarah H. Scholle, Patricia A. Cluss, Sheri Goldstrohm, Data Analysis: Judy C. Chang, Diane Dado, Jessica G. Burke, Patricia A. Cluss, Sarah H. Scholle, Lynn Hawker, Sheri Goldstrohm, Manuscript preparation: Judy C. Chang, Diane Dado, Jessica G. Burke, Patricia A. Cluss, Sarah H. Scholle, Lynn Hawker, Sheri Goldstrohm.

PII: S0163-8343(10)00247-1

doi: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2010.11.009

General Hospital Psychiatry
Volume 33, Issue 1 , Pages 58-65 , January 2011

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